5 Best Dogs in Video Games

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We don’t deserve dogs, I don’t know what humanity did to gain the absolute loyalty of these adorable creatures but it’s a good reminder whenever things get too bleak that a dog will love you unconditionally. This in turn cementing its place as Man’s best friend (Yeah screw you cats!). But as man involved into more advanced creatures that sit on their couches barely moving and found escapism in the more fulfilling worlds of video games, our four legged companions followed. So here are five good doggo’s in video games that that remind us that even in the digital world we don’t deserve dogs.

Trapped Dog (Resident Evil 4)

In Resident Evil 4 our protagonist Leon S. Kennedy, the man who looks like a member of a boy band but is in reality an agent of the US secret service finds a dog trapped in a bear trap and can opt to free it (And if you didn’t you’re a worse monster than anything you fight in the game). The dog on being freed will run into the surrounding wilderness without even a thank you lick.

But this dog like all good dogs come to your aid when you need him the most, which in Leon’s case is during his first fight with an El Gigante, a mutated super Zombie that looks like what would happen to a sack of potatoes if it gets infected by the T-virus.

This guy!

The dog will reappear to distract the monster, and actually tries to fight the monster by your side. And unlike Leon, the dog does not have a shotgun.

Amaterasu (Okami)

I know what you’re going to say, Amaterasu isn’t a dog. She’s the sun goddess of Japanese mythology taken physical form to wipe away a great evil sweeping the land…in the form of a dog. Now why the god Amaterasu decided to take the form of a dog I cannot say (Maybe cause God in reverse is Dog? Stupid I know). But what I can say is that she makes one fine pooch. The snow white dog with divine markings travel across the beautifully artsy landscape of Edo period Japan, in the game Okami vanquishing evil and helping humanity everywhere she goes.

The goddess of nose boops!

She’s also the only character in a video game I can think of that attacks her enemies by taking a wee on them. Maybe that’s why she took this form. Because as a dog, that’s adorably. But as a human that would have been weird.

Dogmeat (Fallout 4)

Fallout 4 takes place in a post-apocalyptic nuclear wastelands filled with radiation, mutated death monsters and roving gangs of crazy people.

Lots and lots of crazy people.