Top 5 new TV series to watch in 2017

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The show is dark to say the least with James Delaney being more cut throat (Pun intended) than your average anti-hero.


Damn comic book movies and shows have become popular, and I am loving it. While it’s hard to miss any of the big Marvel movie releases and their Netflix shows having found a following as well. Still this was an unexpected arrival from the Marvel comic book stable. Legion follows the story of the David Haller who is diagnosed as mentally unstable and admitted to clockwork asylum for treatment (I see the clockwork orange reference there). But like every comic book story ever things are never quite so simple, In David’s case he is actually the most powerful mutant in existence and most of his insanity is the manifestation of his surreal psychic abilities.

Though the Show does not take place in the larger Marvel cinematic universe because mutant’s are X-men territory and the big studio companies can’t play nice, the series is brilliant as a standalone endeavor, and can be enjoyed even with no prior knowledge about the X-men universe.  


Speaking of Comic books does anyone remember the Archie comics that were all the rage in the nineties? This instead of superheroes in spandex featured dorky but loveable teenagers running into all sorts of shenanigans in a very family friendly manner (my grandparent’s gifted me a lot of these as a kid). Well Archie and the gang are back with their own new series in ‘Riverdale’. But this isn’t your Grandma’s Riverdale this is an edgy and gritty new take on the small town. With the adorkable Archikins now transformed into a six-packed hunk, who just wants to write songs and takes his student teacher relationship in a well… sexier direction (If you catch my drift).

With other gritty grittiness as well such as gritty murders, gritty cat-fights and even gritty narration the show is one to watch if you’re looking for some grittiness.(It’s much grittier than the comics is what I’m saying). But my sarcasm aside the show does keep you wanting more from the teens at Riverdale High.


Maybe nihilistic westerns, edgy teens and obscure super heroes aren’t your thing. Maybe you’re just looking for some good old fashion horror to keep you up at night. Then what better to turn to than a series based on the most famous Horror movie of all time: The exorcist. What is it with a demon’s obsession with possessing teenage girls I’ll never understand, and with that as the general setting the Exorcist moves on to check all the horror tropes, in a good way. Creepy house: check, religious mother: check, Conflicted catholic priests performing exorcisms against the interests of the church: double check.  What’s really impressive though is that the series sticks with lore from the 1973 classic, and does justice to the film.

Not one to miss for any horror fan or for forcibly watching with your scaredy cat friends, which at times is even more entertaining.

And just in case you want to read a fresh new book on fantasy and adventure please do try the New World Odyssey series as well