The Untold truth of the Modern World

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But never forget Life can always be bettered, but that does not lie with staring through the window and seeing others, but in changing things yourself for what you want.

The Third Truth 

The third truth I want you to remember is this: Everyone has a very different timeline. And different people find their place according to it. Some people find the job of their dreams within months, others find happy relationships on the first try, but these are the lucky few. For most of us or rather nearly all of us need more time. You will find your place in this world, where you want to be and who you need to be with one day. And you can’t force that time to be right now.

All you can do is work towards those dreams and be patient for that day to come.

So rest now my friend, and leave behind the anger, anxiety and uncertainty. Close your eyes and let things be, and forget the things that can’t be changed. One day you will find your place.  

Be sure to check out the Books from the New World Odyssey series written by Mr.Fox as well.