5 Video Game Heroes Who Have Literally Been to Hell and Back

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He looks like the guardian angel of night clubs

But what’s really surprising is that none of this even makes the list of top 5 weirdest things you can do in the ‘Saints Row’ series


Ah Kratos, the seven foot tall rage fueled killing machine whose sole purpose in life is to systematically slaughter the entire cast of Greek mythology. No matter what you are: God, Titan or monster if you were unlucky enough to encounter this bald embodiment of road rage you were most likely about to get an all-expense paid trip to ‘Hades’ which is basically just greek for Hell. Not that Kratos is a stranger to the place himself, having being killed on multiple occasions and sent there on his aforementioned murder spree.

But a little thing as death and hell isn’t going to hold him back as he literally crawls his way out of Hades each time he’s sent there by doing what he does best: killing everything that gets in his way. He is literally too tough for even Hell to hold back, and walks out of the place each time somehow angrier than when he had gone in (anger management seminars were not a thing in ancient Greece).

This is his happy face

Doom Guy

Here’s a piece of Advice if you’re a scientist trying to develop teleportation technology. Maybe don’t choose the moons of Mars Phobos and Deimos named after the gods of fear and terror as your test sites. Because if you do there’s a high chance it will open up a portal to hell and turn your entire space station into a demon infested war-zone. Here’s a piece of advice if you’re a demon trying to invade a space station: don’t pick the one with Doom guy in it.

Because no matter if you’re a standard possess a human demon or a kind of weird   floating fire breathing meatball, you will all look like a smashed bottle of ketchup by the time doom guy is done with you. But merely clearing out the demon infestation from his space base isn’t enough for Doom Guy, Oh no. Doom guy chases after the said demons straight into hell and takes them out in their home turf after which he walks out of hell like he just came back from a Caribbean cruise and headed straight to kill even more Demons.

He also Models for Metal album covers in his spare time

For Heroes Battling Gods instead of Demons check out our very own New World Odyssey series