Ah Hell! The place of eternal damnation that you end up in for being a dick your entire life. No matter what your sins may be: Greed, murder, asking the teacher for extra Homework because you have a long weekend, there is a place in Hell for all these heathens to stay in for the rest of eternity in whether they want to or not. That is unless you’re one of these five gaming badasses who were too tough for even Hell to hold on to.
Let’s start with the original hitchhiker to Hell, Dante Alighieri. He was a19th century Italian poet who in his epic poem the ‘Divine comedy’ takes a guided tour through the nine circles of hell while having a sweet Bromance with Virgil a literal member of the Dead poets society. The 2010 video game ‘Dante’s inferno’ however takes a few historical Liberties by turning Dante into a tough as nails Templar knight whose girl Beatrice gets sent to hell because Dante was unfaithful to her (don’t think that’s how punishments work).
He’s also the only poet in history with an 8 pack
Dante in an effort to redeem himself for his sins does the over the top yet honorable thing of scourging the nine circles of hell to rescues Beatrice but not before doing the bat-shit crazy thing of creating a cross shaped tapestry showcasing his sins and sewing it onto his SKIN (even the Demons were like “Dude WTF”).
Not to be confused with the Italian poet turned Emo Templar knight, the Dante we are talking about now is the half Demon half human hybrid protagonist of the ‘Devil May Cry’ series. Life is not easy when you’re a half demon spawn. You can’t get a steady job, you can only look good in over-sized red trench coats and demons keep trying to open up the portal that connects the human and demon world and bring about the apocalypse.
But that doesn’t stop Dante from going through everything from giant centipedes to the king of hell Mundus (Not the most intimidating name) to keep the gateway closed, traveling back and forth from the Demon world and the human world to do so. Things might have been a lot easier if one of the people trying to open it wasn’t his own twin brother, Virgil (also not a poet). But then siblings are like that, they go the extra mile just to annoy you.
When Brothers fight
What’s a guy to do when the leader of the third street saints/ president of the destroyed earth gets sucked into an Ouija board and sent to hell? Why threaten the piece of wood with a gun and jump straight into hell for a rescue mission of course. However illogical or surreal that may sound, that is exactly what Gat does in the Saints Row standalone DLC ‘Gat out of hell’. Once in hell Gat proceeds to team up with the likes of Vlad the Impaler and Shakespeare (why is he in hell) to fight against the evil lords of hell and rescue Mr. President with a gun that fires frogs. All the while jumping around with fiery angel wings and Johnny bravo shades.
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