Sarcastic Movie Review: Thor Ragnarok

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Loki while not as important to the story as previous Thor movies, still has his own little arc going on and adds a fun bit of familiarity to the cast. The movie also introduces us to Valkyrie, a strong badass female warrior which Marvel definitely could use more of (learn from Wonder Women people!). And also they bring us the single greatest supporting cast member ever: Korg

This guy

The giant rock monster with a squeaky voice somehow has more personality than the entire cast of Twilight, and even his insect/can-opener hybrid sidekick is quiet a fun addition to the ever-growing MCU.

Now on to the villain, Hela. As far as the villains go is stuck somewhere in the middle. With her not being as memorable as  Loki but having way more personality than generic evil elf guy from Thor 2 (honestly that guys name’s not even worth finding out).

Pictured: who I assume was the villain in Thor 2

To her credit she did not feel like a two dimensional villain but more like they didn’t have enough time to flesh out her character. Also there’s something about her, you know like when a girl is crazy and might be a serial killer but you’re still attracted to her for some reason (wait…is that just me?!). There is something dangerous but sexy about her.

and she does look horn-y (Sorry, I’ll let myself out)

The movie on the whole also has some stunning and colorful visuals, with some sequences such as Valkyrie’s flashback looking almost like a renaissance painting. And they really got their money’s worth from that theme music (Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant song), with it somehow being the perfect sound track for the entire movie.

To conclude: Thor is definitely not a movie to miss and acts as another reminder of just how well planned out the Marvel Cinematic Universe is. They do this by telling a solid, funny, standalone story all the while reminding us that this is still a part of a much bigger universe.

If you want tales of the original superheroes from history such as Achilles and Hercules, check out the New World Odyssey series