Helping Hand
Now I’m more partial to the funnier episodes in this anthology rather than the more serious or edgy one’s, mainly because while dealing with the more serious concepts I feel like the short amount of time is not enough for impactful story telling of the grand scifi concepts used. That being said, Helping Hands is one of the serious ones that uses its short run time effectively.
It’s Gravity meets 127 hours. No seriously it’s literally that. Gravity + 127 hours = Helping Hand is all I would right even if I wasn’t lazy and wrote actual full length reviews of these episodes.
Lucky thirteen
Lucky 13 tells the story of an old aircraft considered unlucky because of its spooky serial number in a high-tech air force at war with Sam fisher cosplayers . It’s another self-contained story that was as long as it needed to be. The story was perhaps predictable but it had some soul to it and the superstition around the air-craft and the number 13 seemed very real. Plus it has cool futuristic dogfights which is always a plus point.

Alternate History
Hey I heard you like anthologies, so we put an anthology inside your anthology. That is exactly what Alternate History is. Another one of the funny ones It show’s 6 different timelines where Hitler (yup ol’ tiny mustache himself) dies in different scenarios in his life. A fun take on the old alternate timelines nugget complete with animated Hitler, squids in space and a sex swastika formed by four prostitutes. And if that last sentence didn’t peak your interest in it, nothing else I say will.
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