5 Best Dogs in Video Games

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But in the hardest of places you will find the bestest of boys, Enter Dogmeat a fully grown german shepherd who is one of the first companions in the game. And might I say the best companion. Unlike the other human or rather humanoid companions in the game, Dogmeat will not dislike you no matter what decisions you make in the game. He will also stay fiercely loyal to you no matter what you do.

Add to this the fact that he can handle himself pretty well against a swarm of ghouls and you can dress him up in cute little goggles truly makes him the best doggo.

Look at his cute little ascot 

Duck Hunt Dog (Duck Hunt)

Video games have come a long way since its initial creation where two sticks hit a dot around in an exceedingly rudimental form of tennis. With today’s graphics and gameplay arguably better than the reality we live in today.

But it’s important to remember that it wasn’t always the case and there was a time when pointing a plastic light gun at a CRT monitor and shooting ducks were seen as the forefront of technology.

Enter the duck hunt dog your faithful companion while er…hunting ducks. This brightly coloured orange pooch is special beyond being one of the first dogs in video gaming. It also holds the title of one of the few, if not only dog you will actively want to punch in the face due to the way he sickeningly laughs at you every time you miss hitting a duck.

Even the duck looks annoyed by him

D-dog (MGS5)

The metal gear series is weird people. You can distract your enemies by using pictures of half-naked women weird. The main character is a clone of a clone weird. That special Hideo Kojima brand of weird. But luckily amidst of all the insanity of MGS5, in which the main villain is called skull-face and just to get the point across has tattooed a skull on his face. And in a game that prides itself in bombarding the player with more cut scenes and exposition for Leo Tolstoy the writer of the notoriously long War and peace to go “Dude stop”, they did manage to sneak in one good dog.

Enter D-dog, a dog that is more wolf than dog despite having Dog in its name. Our Hero Big Boss or venom snake or whatever code name he goes by, finds D-dog as a pup while out on one of his missions and leaves it with his buddy Ocelot (Kojima’s naming system is basically whatever word he made that day while playing scrabble). Ocelot decides to train it into a remorseless killer companion named Diamond Dog or D-dog and DD for short. I know Big Boss is supposedly the greatest soldier of all time and all but to me he’ll always be the dumbass who named his dog D-dog.

For an action filled adventure check out the New World Odyssey series. Get book 1 for free Here