5 worst CG characters in big budget movies

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Before Dwayne ‘the rock’ Johnson was the megastar of a man the size of two pick-up trucks, He was a famous wrestler, who was famous for his cooking skills and only the size of one pick-up truck. But he made his debut as the scorpion king in the movie the ‘Mummy 2’ in which he played an ancient cursed Egyptian warrior forced to be resurrected in the last act as a half man half scorpion creature that would have looked more at home in a PlayStation one game.

Steppenwolf (Justice League)


Justice League is the movie equivalent of that guy that tried to ace the exam without putting in any effort just because he had the best looking pens. What I’m trying to say is that Justice League tried to ape the success of the avengers without giving enough time for the characters to grow and moving forward with a forgettable story. And the movie would have remained forgotten if not for the villain ‘Steppenwolf’. Not because he’s an interesting character in any way, oh no he was bland as hell. But rather because his CGI design was so bad that using a cardboard cutout of the guy would have made it less jarring.

Cats (Cats)

Never have I seen so much confidence, money and star power put into a movie that even a four year old could have told you was only going to be one of the biggest box office bombs in history. Whatever those things are that we follow in the movie ‘Cats’, they are terrifying! that is not a cat, that’s not a human. That’s what happens when a person and a cat try to use the teleporting device from the Jeff Goldberg Movie the fly.

Robo-Stallone (Spy kids 3)

Spy kids was a series of kid movies from the early 2000’s with some pretty big names attached to it. And the names didn’t get any bigger than Sylvester Stallone who appeared in the third installment as the main villain, who in the last act decides to attack using a giant robot version of himself that looked to be made from cobbling together cheap plastic toys rather than metal. The movie is filled with bad CGI but the knock-off Stallone transformer takes the cake. 

Hulk (Hulk 2003)

The universe must always remain in balance. The ying must have a yang. And if we have a character from DC on the list, then we must have one from Marvel as well. Presenting the Hulk, No not the Hulk from the current MCU he looks great. Rather the Hulk from the 2003 Hulk movie in which instead of a raging monster of pure green muscle we got something that was surprisingly more terrifying. Instead of muscles this Hulk looked like a giant inflatable balloon with his rubbery skin like a blow-up doll and a plastic face borrowed from a ken doll. Monstrous and scary yes, but not in the way they were hoping for.  

Also consider reading these books for some CGI free Greek Gods in the New world odyssey series. Get book 1 for free Here.