5 Must know terms for Dating and finding Love Online

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Deep Liking

I’ll be honest I had no clue this was a thing before I started researching this article, but Deep liking is when you scroll through someone’s social media profile and liking a post or photo of theirs from a long time ago.

This can either be done on accident, which I imagine would be quite embarrassing or on purpose as to show that not only are you thinking about them, but you’re also researching what they’re like to better understand them.

This is the most passive aggressive way you can tell someone you like them! Just ask the person out my dude!  


Now here’s an interesting one! Bread-crumbing is when you flirt around with or string someone along with little to no intention to actually date them. Back in the good old days, this would be what we call being a tease.

Now as for why someone would do this, they have many reasons. Sometimes it maybe loneliness, or maybe they just crave attention and to a certain degree it’s understandable.

But where this gets toxic is when, the person decides to move on or start dating someone else, deciding to increase the number of ‘crumbs’ you give them so that they’ll stick around while still having no real intention of dating them!

And Satan just called me to say that he has dug out a special 10th circle of Hell for the people who do this. 


Submarining is when someone who you dated, flirted around with or got ghosted by, disappears from your life without notice. Only to resurface, with no apology or explanation and pretend as if nothing had happen or nothing has changed.

It’s basically a very indecisive form of ghosting, where the submariner (I think that’s the right word) decides to come and go from your life whenever they feel like it, when they need something from you or just crave some form of attention.


Yeah dating in today’s online environment seems to be filled with so many pitfalls that you may need a PhD to navigate it. All of a sudden binge watching shows alone in your room with some good food and a cozy blanket doesn’t seem so bad does it?


Or just curl up and read good book instead like these in the NEW WORLD ODYSSEY series instead!