5 times Batman couldn’t keep it in his pants (when he really should have!)

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What this means is batman risked an interplanetary alliance and incident, just so that he could get his Batdick wet.   

Black canary

So Batman slept with the wife of some guy out there in space, who cares! Orion was probably a git anyway. He’s still the best, he’s always got the back of his bros.

Oh boy.

So Oliver Queen better known as Green arrow in the spandex wearing community, is a long-time friend and confidant of Bruce and is also one of the major members of the justice league.

Black canary, another valued justice league member with the power of screaming is also the long standing love interest/ girlfriend/wife of said green arrow.

So in an issue of ‘all-star batman and robin’ you can understand why readers were a bit taken aback when Batman and Black canary after a passionate night of crime fighting, decide to cap of the evening with an even more passionate night of love making, costume and all!


Does the Batsuit have a special Batzipper installed for occasions like this I wonder? Let’s at least hope that he had a Bat-condom in his utility belt.

Batgirl/Barbra Gordan

Now to the casual reader, Batman and Batgirl may not seem that weird at all, I mean they both seem to be into bats, and it’s always nice to have something in common with the person you date.

So let me explain why this little romance left a lot of fans feeling a little uneasy:

  • Barbra is the daughter of Commissioner Gordan, one of Batman’s closest friend and ally.
  • Bruce has known Barbra since she was a teenager, and in many cases trained and mentored her into adulthood.
  • Barbra is also often the girlfriend of Dick Grayson, the first robin aka batman’s surrogate son
  • Oh and lets also add a healthy 15 year age difference to the mix as well, which is to say that batgirl had just barely turned legal enough to drink.

Batman in action, and by that I mean he’s about to get some action!

Needless to say seeing a romance bud between these two made a lot of Bat-fans back away slowly from this train wreck.

With a publication history spanning over 80 years, it’s not strange that o’l Bat’s is often paired with different lovers to spice things up, but the one take away from all this is every superhero has a weakness. For Superman there’s Kryptonite, For Wolverine it’s a giant magnet and for Batman it’s the sexy ladies.

Oh and that women can’t resist a mental traumatized man in a rubber Batuit for some reason.

If you think these relationships are spicy, don’t even get me started of the spice levels among the Greek gods. Find out more in the NEW WORLD ODYSSEY series.