Top 5 least Creative Pokémon designs

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Now if you’re a gen-oner like me you might be thinking, man they really messed up the Pokémon designs in the later generations. I’d ask you to remove your rose tinted glasses and remember Tangela.

Tangela was so vague that they didn’t even bother giving it a face, the vine Pokémon looks more like a tangled mess of Christmas lights with eyes, rather than any type of plant. Also its blue, plants are not blue.

Oh, and how did they decide to decide to design its evolution in Gen 4. By drawing more swiggly lines of course!

Tangrowth is the real stuff of nightmares


Speaking of strange Gen 1  designs, Lickitung does comes to mind. While Lickitung is weird to say the least with its Tongue always hanging out, and somehow longer than its entire body, Gen 4 is when a lot of Gen 1 Pokémon got further evolutions.

So this was a chance for them to really improve on the Lickitung design with a cool new evolution. So my question is, What the hell is this:

How did they decide to improve on the Lickitung design: by making it morbidly Obese. Licilicky is one of the dumbest looking Pokémon out there, and to make matters worse, it’s Pokédex entry tells us how it showers anything nearby in saliva.

That’s what we want in our monster battling team: A fat drooling Moron. 


For some mythical monsters that don’t fit in your pockets, Check out the NEW WORLD ODYSSEY series.