Categories: Reviews

Sarcastic Series Review: Squid Game

Then there is the juxtaposition with the VIP’s who felt out of place a bit, but they do help in solidifying the concept that infinite money doesn’t really give you what you want.

Was the Mr.1 twist good?

Was this that unpredictable, I mean from the moment the old man said he had a brain tumor and nothing to live for I figured he was in on it. Why? Because for him the money wouldn’t solve his issues. He had already accepted his death.

And lost his marbles! get it!

When they mentioned the host, and showed or rather refused to show the face of the man with the owl mask, I knew it was him mainly through the process of elimination. (I mean who else could it be?)

But what I did like about Mr.1’s character is his reasoning on why he chose the games, because in the end despite all his wealth and power what he really wanted was to relive his youth, and play the games that once gave him so much joy. Again it run’s with the theme that money beyond a certain point doesn’t really help.

What about the VIP’s?

Okay so whenever I think about the masked VIP’s with their golden furry masks, only one word comes to mind: Cringe.

I understand what they were going for, that having infinite money doesn’t make you satisfied with life and all it did in the case of the VIP’s is turn them into apathetic and bored monsters without a shred of humanity.

But did they have to do it in such an on the nose and cartoony villainous way? The whole golden masks thing was eye-rollingly stupid, and it did not help that they just picked random guys who knew how to speak English instead of you know…people who know how to act.

There is a line that particularly stands out for me, when one of the VIP’s talk about how nothing beats watching the death game live even though they all had really big screens at home, and it reminded me of insecure dad’s in their late fifties flexing about their new 65 inch plasma TV’s.

Bro it’s 2021 time to switch to LCD’s

Does the ending hold up?

So the show ends with Seong Gi-hun winning the 45.6 billion dong, but deciding to not use it because of his guilt. That is until he has the final revelation and talk with Mr.1 about the cynicism of humanity. After which he moves past his guilt and try’s to live his best life with the money, he had in a twisted way earned.

And I can respect all this except, him deciding to get his hair coloured a bright red that was stupid and honestly quiet shallow.

you’re not an anime protagonist my dude!

Does it need a second season?

Now they have definitely things vague enough for there to be a season 2 both with Seong Gi-hun’s final phone call, and that Cop guy’s dead body not being shown. But I’d say No, I think this is one of those show’s that could be wrapped up in one season instead of dragging it out until the concept gets tiring.

It’s a good show definitely worth a watch but it’s already done all that it should do, and I’d be very surprised if season 2 lived up to the first one.


In the end Squid Game was a fun little ride, with some genuinely heart wrenching moments in it. It does show just how important money is in the modern world and how much more difficult life becomes without it, while also trying to show up that despite that Money is not the most important thing in the world.

Money is a useful tool, but it should never be your life’s ultimate goal I guess. 

Also if your pick-up driver wears a masked full-body magenta suit, just say no!

Now go check out some SQUID GAME MEMES

But if you prefer a game of gods rather than a game of squids check out the New World Odyssey series

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Giorgio Groom

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