Top 10 highest known One Piece Bounties

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“Blackbeard” Marshall D. Teach: 2,247,600,000 Berries

No one embodies the ideologies of an actual pirate perhaps more than Blackbeard. a conniving and evil ideology yet but yo-ho-ho that’s a pirates life! or rather in Blackbeards case Zehahaha!

“Straw Hat” Monkey D. Luffy: 3,000,000,000 Berries

Our protagonist from the east blue has come a long way from his initial bounty of 30,000,000 Berries. Luffy has even recently been given a new bounty post Wano! Along with Law & Kidd all 3 of who now share the same high bounty of 3,000,000,000 berries! Also Luffy is an official Emperor of the Sea now. 

“Red Hair” Shanks: 4,048,000,000 Berries

Another one of the four emperors, Shanks is someone we know both so much and yet not enough about. but what we do know is that the man commands respect every time he enters the story.

“Big Mom” Charlotte Linlin: 4,388,000,000 Berries

While Big Mom’s bounty is impressive, it is not nearly as impressive as the fact that this women has 85 children! With 46 sons and 39 daughters the marines did not have a hard time thinking of her epithet of ‘Big Mom’.

Kaido “Of The Beasts”: 4,611,100,000 Berries

Known as the strongest creature in the world, Kaido is certainly a force to be reckoned with. as if he his brute strength and near invulnerability wasn’t bad enough, his devil fruit allows him to transform into a giant, flying, laser breath shooting…, I mean dragon.

“Whitebeard” Edward Newgate: 5,046,000,000 Berries

The old man really was a force to be reckoned with when he was alive. this does make this bounty currently inactive, but nothing can take away the shear badassery that whitebeard presented in order to earn such a bounty. also he can make that stupid crescent moon shaped mustache look good, no on else in the universe can do that.

“Pirate King” Gol D. Rodger: 5,564,800,00 Berries

And with that we reach the highest known bounty in the series, one that of the pirate king himself Gol D. Roger. The legend that started it all still sits on the top as the undisputed king of the pirates. and it is not a bounty that we will see bested till the very end of the series, and even then it might still remain as the highest.


If you like One Piece you should check out the: NEW WORLD ODYSSEY series. An adventure filled with Greek gods and monsters, with story beats and foreshadowing that are similar to one piece! it’s not as long though!