5 Pokémon that are basically just Animals

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Pokémon is big, one of the biggest franchises out there. And it’s line up cute and cuddly pocket monsters now stretches over 700! Now we already too a look at some of the worst Pokémon designs, but not let’s take a look at some of the laziest.

And by that I mean the designers took a look at a real animal and just went yeah that’ll do, not straining an ounce of imagination.

So here are 5 Pokémon’s that are basically just animals.

How do we scientifically look at this you may ask? That’s simple; if you ran into any of these animals in the real world would you think: Hey is this a magical creature full of wonder and mystic or would you just go, oh look a slightly discolored goat.


Being the filthy gen-one-er that I am let’s start there. Ekans is just a snake, a purple snake yes but ultimately just a snake. Even its name is just ‘snake’ backwards. It’s evolution Arbok could also fit here, but has a slight advantage cause the changed the ‘c’ to a ‘k’ when they reversed ‘Cobra’
