Top 5 Games based on Greek Mythology

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A much better understanding of Greek mythology than Disney’s Hercules had in making poor Hades a villain (He’s emo at best not evil)



Speaking of Hades, No game made Greek mythology sexy again like Hades did. Hades is the newest game on this list, and is a rouge-like with a sexy art style and even sexier voice acting.

I mean just look at the main character’s sex appeal people!

And a game can’t be more drenched in mythology than this, you play as Zagreus the son of Hades(the god), who lives in Hades(the Hades) and is on a quest to leave Hades(cause he’s bored I guess)


And the NPC’s and boss fights all act as a real who’s who of the Greek Mythology much like in the New World Odyssey (shameless plug I know)

God of War

Yes it’s God of War, Of course it’s God of war. You didn’t think a Greek mythology games list could be complete without a mention to daddy Kratos and his ever present addiction to mashing in the skulls of the Greek pantheon into Jam.

On a scale of 1 to 10 for anger, Kratos scored a solid 21

Although Kratos has moved onto the Norse Gods in recent years, he still remembers his roots in which he single handedly turned all of Olympus into a ghost town through the events God of War 1, 2, 3 and it’s many spin-offs.

Once again I ask you to read the NEW WORLD ODYSSEY series if you’re into Greek Mythology. This is the last time I swear!