Top 5 Insane Giga-Chad moments of Yujiro Hanma (Baki)

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Instead Yujiro is there to encourage his son to do it and break her back. He then continues to tell him to do it whenever he can and spread his seed far and wide. And even calls him a pussy for being so nervous.

As a cherry on top, even laments on how he might never get a grand kid, cause Baki is too scared to have Sex

And you thought your dad embarrassed you

Kills a man while flirting with his wife

But no moment of psychotic Chadness is more apparent than how Yujiro Hanma wooed Baki’s mother.

Emi Akezawa was a shy and beautiful women who was married to a rich and powerful douchebag. One night at a fancy party she lays eyes on a red haired man in a fancy suit, clearly staring at her with lust.

Her husband notices this and immediately bitch slaps Emi across the face (told you he’s a douchebag) and walks up to the red haired man to intimidate him, a throws a plate of food on his suit.

Too bad for that asshole, the red-haired man is Yujiro Hanma.

Now, our boy Yujiro could have killed this guy then and there, we all know that. But what he does instead is even more ballsy. He grabs and kisses his wife!

Needless to say the husband was pissed at this, and lets one of his tough guy buddies to handle him. But Yujiro disposes of him with one kick.

Later that night Emi and her husband are back at their place and the douchebag is taking his frustrations of being made to look like a cuck on his wife. But just as things are about to get nasty, Youjio just casually walks into their bedroom!

Yujiro then proceeds to hit on Emi on how he see’s the real her. At which point the husband pulls a gun on him.

Yujiro then proceeds to casually snaps the husbands heck while still flirting with Emi!!!

And how does Emi react on seeing her husband’s neck getting snapped?

That’s right she a freak, and she liked it!

Turns out overpowered red-heads filled with bloodlust and murderous intent is exactly her type. Talk about a match made in Hell.


You could say that Zeus was the original Chad! Find out more about him in the NEW WORLD ODYSSEY series.