Categories: Reviews

Sarcastic Movie Review: Lamb (2021)

But Maria’s timing was a bit unlucky as at this same time Ingvar’s deadbeat brother, Petur (Icelandic for peter I’m guessing) comes to the farm and witnesses the whole murder.

The Black Sheep Brother 

Peter latter meets with his brother and Maria(who is not happy to see him) but does not mention the lamb murder to them. And then Peter is Introduced to Ada, and peter reacts with a very apt WTF bro face as it should be. But after some minor drama, Ada does manage to win over Peter with her cuteness.

And can I just take this moment to mention just how cute Ada is! In this weird story about faux parenthood, family drama and weird sheep fucking monsters Ada stands out as this personification of pure innocence. I mean just look how cute she is with her little flower crown.

Cute AF

But just because Ada melted Peters heart didn’t stop him from being a douchebag as Peter, keeps trying to sleep with Maria. A lot of human drama happens, all accumulating in Peter trying to blackmail Maria into sleeping with him by threatening to tell Ingvar about her killing the Mamma lamb. But his plan backfires with Maria kicking Peter out and telling him to hit the road again. And it’s all very drab and dull in a story about a goat-human hybrid.

So let’s get to the more interesting questions:

What the hell was that ending?

So the beast (Ada’s real dad) returns to the farm, and kills the dog (always sad) then he proceeds to shoot Ingvar with his own gun and takes Ada away from her, and the beast it is revealed is like Ada a half sheep hybrid, although a lot more menacing than little Ada with his curved horns and towering figure.

Ingvar is left to bleed out and watches helplessly as Ada is taken into the mountains by her real father. Ingvar is dead by the time Maria finds him, and the final shot is of her helplessly searching for Ada, having lost everything of meaning in her life.

What the hell are Ada and her daddy?

The closest things I can think of are Satyrs, half goat half men from Greek mythology, constantly chasing after wood nymphs and worshippers of the Half- goat god Pan.

While half goat hybrids are present in Christian mythology as well, creatures like this are often associated with the devil and malevolence. But here Ada is not evil, and really neither is her father. If anything the human’s in the story are the real villains, taking in a child that was clearly not theirs away from her mother and pretending like Ada was their own.

In a way the Beast did not act out of Malice but in killing Ingvar, but out of paternal instinct of taking back and protecting his offspring

What the hell did I just watch?   

What this movie feels like is a dark and gritty fairytale the type the original Grimm brothers used to write, which still had a moral within it, but also blood gore and death(look it up!)

And the Moral seems to be simple: Don’t steal someone else’s kid!

While this stemmed from the loss of their own child, this does not make it justifiable. The couple being mired in their depression and loss, tries to fill that void with Ada, because she had what they thought were human characteristics.

They placed meaning on to her uniqueness, seeing at a sign that the child was meant for them while stealing her away from her real parents. 

There also seems to be a theme of what goes around comes around or Karma at play here as the Goatman kills Maria’s husband the same way Maria killed Mamma lamb the Goatman’s…er…wife.

In the end Maria is too consumed by the loss of her child, gets greedy and tries to keep Ada for herself, even killing her real mother. But nature takes its revenge and she ends up losing both Ada and her husband as well.

Like I said it’s a simple yet effective enough moral: don’t steal someone else’s Kid! Even if or rather especially if it’s the offspring of an angry seven foot tall mountain Goatman.


I assure you there are more Goatmen in the NEW WORLD ODYSSEY book series

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Giorgio Groom

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