Sarcastic Movie Review: The Menu

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And yes, cooking is a creative art form because you are creating something new, and whether it be writing a book, producing a new song or discovering new ways to make broccoli taste good, you are still creating something new.

In any case, as someone who has dealt with enough creative types for a lifetime, I can tell you the Chef has fallen into a common trap among them, especially those that achieve ridicules success, an unbelievable sense of Narcissism.

If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen

Let me explain, this guy for how brilliant he is as a chef and a speaker, is so self-indulged in his art that he fails to see that what has caged him is his own mind.

He says he hates what he has become, a showman for the elite and now he must accumulate it in his masterpiece, by what killing a bunch of people that were kind of a dick to him. What a self-centered conceited jackass.

And that I think is the one big issue with the movie. It seems to be trying to make a point about how shallow and pretentious the life of these elites are but, but they make the point in such a pretentious way.

This guy could have quit and left to the boonies to start a burger and shake any time he wanted. He could have you know just bought a regular restaurant instead of a whole freaking island and he wouldn’t need angel investors that ‘complained about his food. The truth is this killer cook could have been free whenever he wanted, in many different ways, but nope his alcoholic dad beat his ass so serial kill a random bunch of people who annoyed him in some arbitrary way is the way to go.

The guy is so blind to his own narcissism that he decided to kill an actor who’s movie annoyed him. Like my brother in Christ, maybe he just did it for a paycheck like you did. A jobs a job, sometimes you just do it cause it pay the bills.

And that’s the problem the movies brilliance is offset by the idea that every person in it has to have the same appreciation for art as he does, not understanding the simple truth that some people just don’t give a shit.

Even Anya Taylor Joy’s character who is supposed to be the ‘real’ one of the bunch keeps nodding along at times like what he’s saying makes sense, even ending the movie with a stoic look while a in reality she should be going, this MF is 3 soup cans worth of insane.


Don’t get me wrong I did love the movie, but It was a thoroughly fun watch and I wasn’t bored even for a moment. The surreal moments were a bit hit or miss, especially that S’mores bit was a bit too much of a tonal shift. But overall the movie did what it set out to do.

That is to say the story of a Chef/artist driven to madness by the corporatization of his art and the pretentious and shallow behavior of the elites who are the only ones who can afford it, but not appreciate it for what it is. Even though ironically the movie does it in a slightly pretentious way.

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