5 Most Iconic Serial Killers in Movie History

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There are a lot of things that can be scary in movies. But for some reason, serial killers tend to really stand out. Maybe it’s because they’re the embodiment of pure evil, or maybe it’s because they’re just so darn creepy.

Whatever the reason, there are some fictional serial killers that just scare the pants off of us. Here are 5 of the scariest fictional serial killers in movies.

Jason Voorhees – Friday the 13th

There’s just something about a masked killer wielding a machete that’s pretty darn scary. Jason Voorhees is the epitome of a horror movie villain. He’s big, he’s strong, and he just doesn’t die. No matter how many times you think he’s been killed, he always seems to come back for more.

Jason and his hockey mask has now appeared in over 10 movies, and at one point even went off to space in Jason X, which really is the final frontier, even for serial killers. 

Freddy Krueger – A Nightmare on Elm Street

Freddy Krueger is another villain that just won’t die. He’s a burn victim with a razor sharp glove that likes to kill people in their dreams. And if that doesn’t sound nightmare-inducing, I don’t know what does.

There’s something particularly annoying about a killer who doesn’t let you get a good night’ sleep. 

Michael Myers – Halloween

Michael Myers is a killer who is driven by pure evil. He’s a silent, stalking killer who is almost impossible to stop. He’s also incredibly strong, which makes him all the more dangerous.