Top 5 Games based on Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology is one of the great loves of my life, I mean it’s not like I’ve been working on…

3 years ago

5 Pokémon that are basically just Animals

Pokémon is big, one of the biggest franchises out there. And it’s line up cute and cuddly pocket monsters now…

3 years ago

Meme Collection: Squid Game

Love or hate the Squid Game, you can't deny that it took over meme culture at the height of it's…

3 years ago

Sarcastic Series Review: Squid Game

Okay its official I’m one of those guys who likes Korean shows now. But can you blame me! While western…

3 years ago

The Psychology of Father Paul Hill (Midnight Mass): The Tragedy of Blind Faith

So Midnight mass came out of nowhere, at least for me. A fresh series I got into while everyone else…

3 years ago

Sarcastic Movie Review: Black Widow

Black widow must have been the MCU movie I have been least hyped for in a while, but right off…

3 years ago

Sarcastic Series Review: Beyond Evil

We live in strange times. As someone who primarily enjoys western productions over everything else, it has been strange seeing…

3 years ago

Sarcastic Movie Review: Mortal Kombat (2021)

Ah! Mortal Kombat. The perpetually misspelled franchise is back again taking another stab at the silver screen, after its failed…

3 years ago

Sarcastic Movie Review: Love and Monsters

It looks like they made another Zombieland Movie! or at least that's definitely what they were going for. Only this…

3 years ago

Top 5 least Creative Pokémon designs

Ah Pokémon! Who knew that drawing animals the wrong way a hundred-thousand times could lead to such a lucrative and…

3 years ago