
5 Fictional Weapons Capable of Destroying Entire Planets we’re Glad aren’t Real.

Well Oppenheimer has me thinking of mass destruction...again. the destructive power of an atomic bomb is nothing to scoff at,…

2 years ago

Top 5 Fictional (Alcoholic) Drinks we Wish were Real

Ah alcohol, humanities greatest Vice. Is it strange that drinking is such an integral part of human culture. Fermenting fruits…

3 years ago

5 worst CG characters in big budget movies

Movies have evolved remarkably in the past decade, thanks to the use of computer generated graphics (CG). While this has…

5 years ago

5 creepiest clowns found across pop culture

Clowns are hilarious. With their big red noses, giant feet and a maddening grin spread across their face. Did I…

8 years ago

Book Review: A Christmas Carol

Decided to read an all-time favorite classic last Christmas, ‘A Christmas carol’ by Charles dickens, a story that has been…

8 years ago

Book Review: The Silence of the Lambs

Just read a terrifying or rather disturbing book as a cure for my horror itch today. One which moves away…

8 years ago