
Top 5 Most Iconic Femme Fatale in Anime

What is it about a beautiful women that may kill you at anytime that's so enticing ? A Femme fatale…

2 years ago

Sarcastic Movie Review: The Menu

What the Heck did I just watch? is a line I said on multiple occasions while watching The Menu. I…

2 years ago

5 Times the Greek Gods were Just Massive Pricks

The Greek gods are some of the most powerful beings in all of mythology. They could control the weather, the…

2 years ago

Sarcastic Movie Review: Morbius (A misunderstood Masterpiece)

Every once in a blue moon there comes a movie, a cinematic master piece that puts your faith back in…

3 years ago

Top 5 Superman Copycats with One Major Twist

Superman is easily the most popular Superhero alive, to the point that you’re your grandma has and her pet dog…

3 years ago

Top 5 Most Powerful Devils In Chainsaw Man

Chainsaw Man is one of the best Manga to come out in recent time, and it’s popularity is sure to…

3 years ago

The 5 Main personalities of Moon Knight

Multiple personalities or Dissociative Identity Disorder is one of those mental disorders that media and fiction keeps trying to make…

3 years ago

The Psychology of Jinx (Arcane): The Crazy Gothic Nightmare Girl (and Daddy Issues)

No one expected Arcane to be good. Video game adaptations tend to usually be an empty spectacle at best or…

3 years ago

The Psychology of Spiderman: Marvel’s very own Peter Pan

Why grow up? A good fact a great question. Have you tried being an adult... it's all just work,…

3 years ago

Sarcastic Movie Review: Free Guy

Video game movies have a reputation of sucking harder than a super charged vacuum cleaner, but things have been getting…

3 years ago