
Sarcastic Movie Review: Brightburn

Brightburn is the new psychological horror movie offering from director James Gunn about a mysterious boy from another world adopted…

6 years ago

Sarcastic Movie Review: Thor Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok is probably one of the best superhero movies, a strong contender for the best Marvel movie and easily…

7 years ago

An Icon for woman empowerment: Wonder Woman VS Black Widow

Wonder woman has turned into a mainstream female icon as of late, with her standalone movie easily being by far…

8 years ago

Sarcastic Movie Review: Wonder Woman

Wonder woman finally gets her standalone movie, and it is by far the best movie to come out of the…

8 years ago

5 creepiest clowns found across pop culture

Clowns are hilarious. With their big red noses, giant feet and a maddening grin spread across their face. Did I…

8 years ago

Sarcastic Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2

Space the final frontier, the great beyond that man has yet to understand. Filled with massive black holes, infinite planets…

8 years ago

Book Review: A Christmas Carol

Decided to read an all-time favorite classic last Christmas, ‘A Christmas carol’ by Charles dickens, a story that has been…

8 years ago

Book Review: The Silence of the Lambs

Just read a terrifying or rather disturbing book as a cure for my horror itch today. One which moves away…

8 years ago

Sarcastic Movie Review: Logan

“Just when I thought I was out, they keep pulling me back in” and other such overused plot points such…

8 years ago