5 Mythical Pets to consider getting instead of a Dragon

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Fortune cat

Maybe you didn’t like the Idea of a pet Wolf. Maybe you’re one of those people who don’t like any Dogs (In which case we can never be friends). Maybe you’re a cat person instead. Well worry not because I have the perfect low maintenance fur-ball spitting pet for you, In the form of Maneki Neko (That’s Japanese for ‘Fortune Kitty’).

This guy, but you know…real

Strictly speaking the Maneki Neko is just a normal cat. But unlike regular cats which  helps by bringing you dead birds and purring I guess (Cats are pretty useless), this Fortune cat brings you supernatural prosperity and luck. Which means you’ll never have to work another day in your life because of all your lottery winnings and poker bets.

Also according to its myths the cat lets you know if you’re about to be struck by lightning, which is always a bonus.


So you like the Idea of a cat, but you also want it to be bigger and more ferocious. But you also want something with horns and can be taken to a petting zoo. You also have a soft spot for snakes for some reason. Then have I got the perfect pet for your very specific and weird taste.

The chimera is a combination of a lion, a goat and a snake. It has the body and head of a lion with a goats head popping out of its back and a snake for its tail just for good measure. It’s like having three pets all rolled into one, just think how easy it will be to feed. You can give your leftover meatloaf to the lion head or feed the goat some grass or just get the snake some mice, your choice. It’s all going to the same stomach after all. 


Okay so you’re still not convinced, because despite everything there’s one thing which makes the dragon out shines the rest: The power of Flight. But ask yourself this, would you be more comfortable riding on a giant scaly lizard or flying around on feathers softer than cotton candy. And that’s where the Griffin comes in.

 A griffin is what you get when a lion and an eagle love each other a little too much. The resulting offspring is a hybrid which gets the best parts from. It has the body of a lion but with the Head, wings and front talons of an eagle, all of which together manages to create the most majestic creature possible. Just imagine riding on its comfy back to work above the everyday traffic jam. You’ll be the envy of your co-workers no matter how fancy their latest sports car is.

yes,But can it fly

With all that said your still going to get the Dragon aren’t you? A great choice, a stupendous decision, forget everything I said. After all I’m not dumb enough to argue with you. You have a dragon.  

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