5 animal themed villains Spiderman has had to deal with

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Honestly he should have been called Spiderman


Dr. Curt Conners was yet another brilliant scientist (why do so many villains have Ph.D.s) who loses one of his arms in a laboratory accident. But instead of doing the normal super villain thing of getting a giant robot arm or something, Dr. Conners decides to one up the crazy and study lizards for their limb regenerative properties. Fueled by his unhealthy gecko obsession he manages to create a serum that regrew the limbs on rats. But instead of waiting for something like a FDA approval he decided to move on to human testing and injects the serum into himself, because comic books.

The good news is it worked! And Dr. Connors managed to grow his arm back almost instantaneously. The Bad news is it turned him into a seven foot tall lizard monster with a reduced IQ and a strong set of beliefs that revolve around the world should be ruled by reptiles instead of Humans

He also started calling himself the Lizard because lizards are natural predators of spiders, and you know because he’s a giant freaking Lizard  


I an attempt to equal out this list of Ph.D. holders and electrical engineers let us now look at one of the dumbest rogues in Spiderman’s villains club. Aleksei Sytsevich was a Russian immigrant who used to work as muscle for hire for various mobs in the city. His humongous size and low intelligence made him the perfect candidate for some Eeevil scientists who were out to create the unstoppable henchman in a giant rhino suit.

Well at least it’s not something stupid like being bitten by a radioactive rhino

The said scientists gave Aleksei a suit that was modeled after a rhino’s armored skin that gave him super human strength, unbelievable impact resistance and a stupid looking tiny horn on his head. They also treated him with Gamma radiation to make him even stronger (and probably kill what little brain cells he had left) and made it so that the suit would merge with him so that he could never take it off. So that he would be stuck looking like a reject from a safari based carnival ride forever  


Quick what’s the closest animal to a spider? If you guessed scorpion, congratulation you think just like the creative heads at Marvel. The scorpion was Marvels attempt in creating the perfect advisory for Spiderman. You know arachnid verses arachnid. So basically he’s a guy in a scorpion Suit.

Mac Gargan was a P.I. hired to find out Spiderman’s secret identity. Who is then given a scorpion suit by evil scientists (there are way too many evil scientists in this city) complete with a giant scorpion tail that acts as an extra limb. And just like with Doc Ock and Rhino, the suit becomes attached permanently to Mac (Who saw that coming!). and in classic super villain fashion blames this on Spiderman.

And don’t even get me started on the guys like Chameleon, Iguana and Black cat.

For more animal based warriors such as the Minotaur and centaurs check out the New world Odyssey