Sarcastic Series Review: The Boys

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But here’s the kicker, the Boys are a bunch of Assholes too.

This really is story with no heroes which is ironic considering it’s a story in the superhero genre. We as an audience end up witnessing a battle between two evils, in which arguably ‘the boys’ are the lesser of two evils. And even that’s up for debate because of the deranged lunatic that is Billy.

Without spoiling much it must be said that this show is not for the faint of heart but is definitely worth the watch if for nothing else for its novel concept. The dynamic between the seven and their corporate overlords seem to me a more realistic depiction of how superheroes would turn out to be if they existed in the real world. And it’s always great cathartic fun seeing some super powered slimeballs get their comeuppance.

All things considered the Boys did a good job, considering it’s a severally watered down and commercialized version of the comics. For any who thing that the sex and violence in the show is too much let me just say  they barely scratched the surface compared to what the material is based off of.

And to those with stronger stomachs and the amazing ability of knowing how to read, let me recommend the Boys comic series instead. It’s more visceral, more graphic and it crosses boundaries that most works wouldn’t dare touch upon. But underneath all that shock factor is a solid story primarily about revenge, and the message that even the super powered elite aren’t untouchable if you have the right crowbar for the job.


Also consider reading my books for some arrogant Gods in the New world odyssey series