5 Pokemon they should have included in the UK based Galar region

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Although the McDonalds colour scheme does make them look a bit American

But what’s really annoying about this is the fact that the current Galar region champion, is called Leon and looks like this:

You would think that a trainer wit Leo in his name and a weird purple mane hairdo would be perfect for a lion Pokemon

The Nido family

Rabbits are among the most common animals that you can find in the UK. They are also an integral part of British culture especially to children due to famed children’s books such as the ‘Velveteen rabbit’ and ‘Peter rabbit’ being among the first books they read. And yet you will find the entire Nidoran family from generation 1 missing in the Galar region.

They were also braking gender stereotypes by having the male be pink and the female be blue

This one might be a bit more personal for me with me being a gen 1 fan boy and with both Nidoking and Nidoqueen being regulars in my teams growing up. But come on Nintendo, how can you forget your roots so easily and ditch these gen 1 sweet-hearts like that.

For a bit of Monsters and Magic check out the New world Odyssey series