By order of the peaky fooking blinders! Is a line that would have sounded like lunacy till a few years back. I mean who calls eyes as ‘peaky’, a manic pixie dream girl from a young adult rom-com. But that line that sounds like total gibberish is used repeatedly in the British crime Drama ‘Peaky Blinders’ as a line that resonates with fear and respect, and the reason it works is all thanks to the dreaded, cold hearted leader of the Birmingham based street gang: Thomas Shelby.
No other street gang ever dressed this good
Thomas Shelby or rather Tommy to his friends and family, portrayed by the very talented Cillian Murphy is definitely one of the most interesting characters to appear in any series and is the focal point of the show the ‘Peaky blinders’. The entire series revolves around him and his family and their rise to power under Tommy’s leadership.
But what makes this British gangster such a compelling character despite being arguably one of the least heroic protagonists out there, bordering on being worse than the villains in most shows is his calm and calculated approach in running his empire, one that coincides with the teachings of Niccolò Machiavelli on how a good ruler must rule, best defined in his literary work the ‘prince’.
We often define people who display such characteristics as Machiavellian in nature. Other notable Machiavellian figures in fiction include Tywin Lannister from game of thrones, and Frank underwood from house of Cards. But while these two characters are often seen as villains, Thomas Shelby somehow manages to strike the right chord at which we still root for him. That is because his Machiavellian characteristics are paired with another more common trope, but we’ll get to that.
But first let us understand Machiavellian nature.
Depending on one’s own personal views the term, Machiavellian can come across as either an insult or a compliment but the teachings can be basically bought down to:
Thomas Shelby is a man who personifies all three of these traits. Tommy’s ambition is almost unending. Throughout the series he and his empire grow to levels of power and luxury beyond which most people can dream off. And he does that by outwitting his enemies, always having a clear plan on how things will progress often thinking multiple steps ahead and manipulating his friends, family and enemies into doing what he wants.
Throughout the series we see Tommy deal with PTSD from his time in world war one, but this is for our eyes only. He barely if ever showcases this weakness to even his closest family members. Moreover he will often act crueler than needed while punishing mistakes and rules with an iron fist over his empire. Another factor that makes him a frightening individual is his unflinching nature. Even under situations of extreme pressure like when guns are pointed at him in point blank range Tommy is able to hold his composure, which acts in favour of him regaining control of the situation.
Maybe it’s all the practicing he does at home
And finally No act is off limits for him to get what he needs. If it be lies, blackmail or murder Tommy is able to do it all without batting an eyelid. He also has no trouble resorting to violence even if there are other options available, if that gets him what he wants more efficiently.
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