Top 5 Most Powerful Devils In Chainsaw Man

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Chainsaw Man is one of the best Manga to come out in recent time, and it’s popularity is sure to only grow with the upcoming Anime adaptation.

The series offers a unique and morbidly beautiful world in which the world is filled with devils, each a manifestation of a certain fear of humanity. But all fears aren’t equal and neither are these Devils.

Here are the 5 strongest Devils to Appear in the story. As most of the heavy hitters appear later in the series, and the series is filled with quite a few twists, Heavy spoilers Ahead.

Spoilers Ahead!


Chainsaw Devil

I mean let’s start of strong with the titular character who may simply be the strongest Devil there is. This is not because he is a ruthless combatant with nearly no equals or that he’s a unstoppable flurry of chainsaws and death.

No what makes the chainsaw devil truly terrifying is the fact that any Devil killed by the chainsaw devil can never reincarnate neither in hell or earth and is given a true death.

Which makes him the boogeyman that the devils tell scary stories about.

Gun Devil

Formed and empowered by the people’s fear of guns, the gun devil is the main antagonist for a huge portion of the story. Until things get…weirder.