5 Worst Superhero Movies of all time

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Hollywood Strawman 1: A lady with the powers of a cat! That’s brilliant!

Hollywood Strawman 2: No, She’s a fem-fetal character, who is a cat burglar with ambiguous morals and acts as a rival/ love interest for Batman.

But the first Strawman never heard these words as he was too busy snorting cocaine and running naked through the streets shouting “And we can have her playing sexy Basketball!!!”

If you’re one of those people who looks through tik tok to find cringe content (so everyone on tik tok I guess) this is the movie for you. A movie so bad that it scared Movie producers from making another female led superhero movie for a decade.  


Ah yes, Fan4stic my old nemesis. A movie about which a making of would be more interesting than the movie itself. The world’s first superhero family was reduced to unlikable teenagers with the intelligence of a squirrel. And the fearsome Dr. Doom reduced to metal Mannequin with a character arc that is so senseless that it makes Morbius look like Shakespeare.

Fan4stic is bad. Badly made, senseless and glued together with duct tape and spit, to throw something out to the public in the most desperate attempt to grab money from them.

An attempt that failed miserably, as it should.  

Can Morbius defeat Zeus from the NEW WORLD ODYSSEY series?