Sarcastic Movie Review: Thor Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok is probably one of the best superhero movies, a strong contender for the best Marvel movie and easily…

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An Icon for woman empowerment: Wonder Woman VS Black Widow

Wonder woman has turned into a mainstream female icon as of late, with her standalone movie easily being by far…

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Sarcastic Movie Review: Spiderman Homecoming

Spiderman gets his first starring role in the all encompassing super giant that is the Marvel cinematic universe, with which…

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Sarcastic Movie Review: Wonder Woman

Wonder woman finally gets her standalone movie, and it is by far the best movie to come out of the…

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5 creepiest clowns found across pop culture

Clowns are hilarious. With their big red noses, giant feet and a maddening grin spread across their face. Did I…

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Tired of watching Friends for the three hundredth time, the new season of game of thrones not coming nearly fast…

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