Categories: Fox Thoughts

A Drunk Look At God (Being Agnostic)

Hello Humans

We live in quite a wonderful world don’t you think. A world of unimaginable beauty and irrational ugliness, a world of both magic and logic, a world of a thousand religions and a thousand gods. Let’s dwell on that last line for a bit shall we: A thousand gods

The funny thing is most people believe nine hundred and ninety nine of these gods are false. Because obviously the one god that the family they were born into was following just happen to be the right one. Or because they read some thousand year old book that had a thousand changes made in it by a thousand different people said so.  

So that’s most of the people on this little blue rock hurling through space, but what about the others. Well this special batch of humans believes that all the thousand different gods are false, normally we call them Atheists. But if they are loud and obnoxious about how everyone who prays is wasting their time, we call them assholes.

Now in my rather short span here on earth I have been called many things, most of which roughly translates to jackass. But I have also been called both religious and an atheist, while in truth I was neither. The closest word that actually describes my views on the big G, has been Agnostic.

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Giorgio Groom

Published by
Giorgio Groom

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